FREE training event for EdTech sellers!

Pilots to Partners

Winning strategies for converting pilots into sales

Converting pilots is hard.

EdTech companies have used free product pilots as a sales strategy since time immemorial. And unplanned school closures resulting from the pandemic really throttled up the "try before you buy" sentiment in education sales. But while the idea of trying out products for free is immediately attractive to teachers, many class pilots wither away in the middle of the trial period... and some never get off the ground in the first place. Add in the difficulty of looping in administrators with purchasing power, and it's no wonder why most pilots never advance beyond the "freemium" stage.

Create a pilot strategy that works harder and wins sales.

The primary issue behind pilots not converting is the lack of value. But how do you place value on a product you give away for free for a few weeks or months? It's a conundrum faced by many EdTech sellers.

In this free — and valuable 😀 — training event, you'll learn how to create a product pilot experience that drips with real value, enabling you to identify serious candidates who are willing to experiment with your product and ultimately help you get it in front of decision-makers. If you're an EdTech sales or product person, or even a founder of a small shop, you'll appreciate the insights shared in this session that will help you...

  • Build a pilot "experience"
  • Create mutual skin in the game
  • Maintain control of the pilot process
  • Find your product "experimenters"
  • Take advantage of the power of pilot teams
  • Identify upsell opportunities beyond the pilot

Meet your trainer.

Matt Gambino is the nation's leading sales trainer for education technology businesses. His company, PROPEL, is based in Massachusetts.