FREE training event for EdTech presenters!

Stand Out Stories

How to make your next presentation unforgettable

Stop me if you've heard this one.

"I wish my teacher had this product when I was in school! It would have been a game-changer... oh my gosh, I would have been SO MUCH MORE ENGAGED IN CLASS!"

Big if true. Tired soundbites like this have less impact on educators than a sack of floppy disks. We've all heard copies of copies of copies of it a million times.

The problem is that we often trick ourselves into thinking that the objective of story-sharing in presentations is to win friends and influence people. It's not.

Create stories that build vision and amplify your brand.

In this free training session, you'll learn how to craft vision-building stories to supercharge your next interest-arousal presentation, whether you are live on the EdTech tradeshow floor or broadcasting over Zoom.

If you're a product marketer or sales evangelist... or even Chief Cook and Bottlewasher at a small EdTech startup... you'll appreciate the field-tested techniques in this free half-hour event that shows how to:

  • Section out your presentation with micro-stories
  • Create timely stories on the fly — even on the morning of presentation day
  • Use Matt Gambino's reverse-engineering technique to develop a "story-bookbag"

Meet Matt Gambino, your trainer.

For more than a decade, the most prominent names and promising startups serving K12 and higher education have relied on Matt for industry-specific EdTech training and consulting. His company, PROPEL, is based in Massachusetts.